Anyone can hold a grudge, but it takes a person with character to forgive. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we can encounter.
Many times we get hurt emotionally where the thought of forgiveness itself burns into our hearts and souls because of a very deep cut. Forgiveness doesn't mean what happened was OK , it just means you have made peace with the pain, and ready to let it go.
Do not ponder on how you were hurt or looking at yourself as a victim. For painful situations happen to us sometimes as an experience of self growth. Whether it’s something said in a relationship or an action we took, we need to come to the understanding that we attract whatever comes into our life.
A quick and easy way to find out if you have let go or forgiven someone:
This was encountered when someone asked me directly about the incident and that time. If you can speak about it or have it come to mind without avoidance and when it does come up it comes out as an experience and a lesson then you have gotten closure. However, if you bring it up and all you feel is the pain slowly filling your heart, eating away at you, it means you have not fully forgiven and let go.
How to Let Go:
The second step is grabbing a picture of the person you are looking to forgive and let all the emotion start to bubble to the surface. Then, coming from a place of compassion and love, speak to them and to your consciousness. Forgive them for being human, forgive them for being weak, forgive them for holding a grudge, forgive them for stumbling, forgive them for the things said, but most importantly forgive them because it will set you free and stops their actions from destroying your heart!
Whatever comes to that moment embrace it … whether it is tears, smiles or anger and then get back to the thought of complete love and let go. You will feel a huge weight lifted ……
This brings us to the true lesson in my post:
Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because YOU deserve peace!