Let's talk about the art of "Letting Go", this is one of the strongest and toughest battles people go through in their life to truly open up to who they "are".
I wanted to share what I have learned lately about this battle. Many people when trying to "Let Go" of past hurt, thoughts and complications tend to go into a practice of forgetting through effort. You start trying to keep yourself busy to not feel the pain, and sometimes get into situations or relationships to help bury it in hopes of moving on with life.

However, what truly happens is that it is now deeper than it ever was. All you did was cover it; yet it is still there.
The real art of "Letting Go" is to actually give yourself time to have the pain be released. This is done by giving yourself moments of silence 1-2 times a day by sitting and doing nothing to allow that stress to go out. You should not be afraid to feel your emotions and as soon as they appear then take your attention off of them once more back to your calmness. This is the effortless and most effective way to "let go".